- 新有効成分含有医薬品{しん ゆうこう せいぶん がんゆう いやくひん}
drug with new active ingredients 意味
- "drug war" 意味
- "drug war law" 意味
- "drug wholesaling" 意味
- "drug with anticholinergic effect" 意味
- "drug with excellent safety record" 意味
- "drug with new doses" 意味
- "drug with new indication" 意味
- "drug with new route of administration" 意味
- "drug with no known therapeutic effect for the disorder" 意味
- "drug with anticholinergic effect" 意味
- "drug with excellent safety record" 意味
- "drug with new doses" 意味
- "drug with new indication" 意味